Thursday, January 19, 2017

Method to analyze transformation efficiency of competent E. coli

Transformation efficiency
The transformation efficiency is defined as the number of transformants generated per µg of supercoiled plasmid DNA used in the transformation reaction.

Transformation efficiency is calculated using the formula below-

=   Number of Colonies on Plate    X 1000 ng/µg
    Amount of DNA plated (ng)

Example 1 -

Number of Colonies on Plate- 105,
Amount of DNA plated- 0.1 ng

=    105   X 1000 ng/µg

=   1.05 X 106 cfu/µg

cfu- colony forming units

Example 2 -

Number of Colonies on Plate- 206,
Amount of DNA plated- 0.1 ng

=    206   X 1000 ng/µg

=   2.06 X 106 cfu/µg

cfu- colony forming units